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Approved NZ Cert in Primary Industries Operational Skills

New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Operational Skills (Level 3)

with Optional Strand in Specialist Equipment or Infrastructure

Duration 14 weeks
Price Funded
Unit Standards See unit standards below



This programme is to provide primary industry workplaces with individuals who can safely and effectively carry out operational activities that involve vehicles, specialist equipment, and infrastructure.

Graduates will be capable of working under limited supervision.

Programme Objectives

On completion of the programme, graduates can:

  • Complete a risk assessment and develop a recording system for primary industry machinery use.
  • In a primary industry operation demonstrate and apply knowledge of sustainable environmental practices.
  • Manage personal wellbeing during primary industry operational activities.
  • Operate primary industry mechanised equipment safely and effectively.

Those who are:

  • Graduates of the Specialist Equipment strand can use specialised plant to required quality standards.
  • Graduates can be awarded New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Operational Skills (Level 3) with optional strands in Specialist Equipment, and Infrastructure

Programme Structure

Learners are required to complete all compulsory unit standards listed in Module One (see table below).

Learners must also complete Module Two by selecting one or more sets of unit standards from sets one to six and/or elective unit standards from set seven to obtain at least 23 credits.

Learners who complete a further 10 credits from Module Three or Four will have completed the New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Operational Skills (Level 3) with strand in Specialist Equipment or Infrastructure depending on the module selected.

Learners who do not wish to complete the full programme will not require Module Three or Four and may exit the course on completion of Modules One and Two (40 Credits) and may be awarded the New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Operational Skills (Level 3).


Module Unit Standard Unit Description

Workplace Environmental Risks and Personal Care 

(All Units Required)
Complete a risk assessment and develop recording systems for primary
industry machinery use
Demonstrate and apply knowledge of sustainable environmental practices in
a primary industry operation
Manage personal wellbeing when carrying out primary industry operational
 17 Credits


Mechanised Equipment    

(23 Credits Required)

Set One - Quad Bike (All Units Required)
24554 Operate a quad bike on flat terrain in the workplace under close supervision
24557 Demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of a quad bike
24561 Operate a quad bike with trailed equipment under limited supervision
24563 Operate a quad bike with mounted equipment or load under limited
24559 Operate a quad bike on rolling terrain under limited supervision
 18 Credits
Set Two - Tractor (All Units Required)
19044 Demonstrate knowledge of the legal requirements and hazards associated
with tractor use
31913 Operate a basic tractor on flat terrain under close supervision
24538 Demonstrate knowledge of tractor stability and the dynamics of tractors and
attached implements
27604 Operate a tractor with an attached implement on rolling terrain under limited
24539 Maintain and use a power take off (PTO) driven implement attached to a
tractor under limited supervision
31914 Attach and detach a power take off driven 3-point linkage mounted
implement to a basic tractor under close supervision
 20 Credits
Set Three - Motorcycles (All Units Required)
19053 Operate a motorcycle on flat terrain in the workplace under close
24555 Demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of a motorcycle
19054 Operate a motorcycle on rolling terrain under limited supervision
19055 Operate a motorcycle with mounted equipment or a load under limited
 12 Credits
Set Four - LUV (All Units Required)
24556 Demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of a light utility vehicle (LUV)
24553 Operate a light utility vehicle (LUV) on flat terrain in the workplace under
close supervision
24558 Operate a light utility vehicle (LUV) on rolling terrain under limited
24560 Operate a light utility vehicle (LUV) with trailed equipment under limited
24562 Operate a light utility vehicle (LUV) with mounted equipment or a load under
limited supervision
 17 Credit
Set Five - 4WD (All Units Required)
Class 1 drivers licence required)
17978 Operate a light 4WD vehicle in an off-road environment
17976 Demonstrate knowledge of operating a light 4WD vehicle in an off-road
 8 Credits
Set Six - Agrichemicals (All Units Required)
21560 Explain agrichemical use for primary sector applications
29827 Demonstrate knowledge of agrichemicals, and safety when using
27215 Prepare to apply and apply agrichemicals using handheld equipment
27216 Prepare to apply and apply agrichemicals using motorised equipment
 20 Credits
Set Seven - Other Selections (Complete Single Unit Standards to reach 23 Credits)
20533 Select and prepare specialist mower types, mow turf areas, and complete
post- mowing requirements (10 Credits)
19046 Service, repair and maintain primary industry machinery (6 Credits)
19048 Apply fertiliser using mounted or trailed equipment (6 Credits)
21218 Operate and maintain powered orchard machinery (5 Credits)
24846 Prepare to operate, and operate a handheld post hole borer (6 Credits)
29297 Operate and maintain a chainsaw in a land-based context (8 Credits)
29845 Support mechanical crop harvesting (requires completion of Set 2 tractors)
(6 Credits)

MODULE 3        


Specialist Equipment

(10 Credits Required)

Set Eight - Forklifts (All Units Required)
10851 Operate a powered industrial lift truck (forklift)
10852 Operate a powered industrial lift truck (forklift) fitted with attachments
 10 Credit
Set Nine - Operate a powered industrial lift truck (forklift)
(Requires completion of Set 2 tractors)
19061 Cultivate with individual tractor-drawn implements
19062 Cultivate with a combination of tractor-drawn implements
19063 Demonstrate knowledge of methods to maximise tractor efficiency during
 13 Credits
Set Ten -Vineyard
(Requires completion of Set 2 tractors)
19936 Setup, operate, shut down and maintain vineyard equipment
 20 Credits
Set Eleven -Crop Pests
23620 Prepare to apply, and apply, agrichemicals to control pests in crops or
 20 Credits
Set Twelve -Hydraulic Ladder
31927 Prepare and operate a hydraulic ladder for fruit harvesting
 10 Credits
Set Thirteen -Root Crop
(Drivers licence endorsement required for relevant vehicle if driving on a road e.g., Class 2 truck)
6278 Operate a root crop harvester
 20 Credits
Set Fourteen -Precision Planter
(Drivers licence endorsement required for relevant vehicle if driving on a road e.g., Class 2 truck)
6276 Operate a precision planter for agricultural contracting
 15 Credit




(10 Credits Required)

37 Install fencing wire (6 Credits)
573 Construct, energise, and test a permanent electric fence (10 Credits)
24821 Locate the position of, and install, primary and intermediate posts for
fencing (6 Credits)
24828 Hang a pre-built gate (3 Credits)
24837 Describe non-electric fence types and components (3 Credits)
24826 Install and nail a rail panel (3 Credits)
22189 Describe irrigation filters, and repair and maintain an irrigation system used
in horticulture (5 Credits)
19931 Install and maintain grapevine trellis (5 Credits)
28896 Maintain infrastructure in a primary industry workplace (5 Credits)
30249 Check, and carry out routine care and maintenance of, amenity hard assets
(3 Credits)

Entry Criteria

Applicants must be:

  • Aged 16 years or over.
  • Physically fit.
  • Working in a relevant primary sector environment in New Zealand and have access to required vehicles and equipment.
    Have access to required supervision, equipment, and personal protective equipment to complete selected unit standards and 352 hours of work experience.
  • Have the relevant driver licence and/or endorsement where needed.

Suitability to enrol will be established through an interview with VHNZ prior to offer of place.


There may be specific requirements for some unit standards as follows:

Set Entry Requirements
Set 2 - Tractors Must hold a full or restricted class 1 light motor vehicle driver licence (if vehicle is to be
driven on a road).
Set 5 - 4WD Must hold a full or restricted class 1 light motor vehicle driver licence
Sets 7 & 10
Unit Standard 29845
Must complete Set Two "tractors" for entry into either set.
Set 9, 10, 13 & 14 Class full or restricted of driver licence and any driver licence endorsement appropriate for the vehicle being driven, if vehicle is to be driven on a road e.g. class 2 truck.

These requirements will be discussed during the enrolment process.

Education and Employment Pathway

Graduates of this qualification are likely to be employed as a general hand, junior shepherd, farm assistant, harvester, assistant beekeeper, stable assistant, nursery worker, viticulture worker, or in similar roles in primary industry workplaces.

This qualification may lead to other primary industry qualifications at Levels 3 and 4.

Course Investment

The programme investment will vary depending on specific course requirements such as customisation of training location and number of learners.

Funding/subsidies may be available for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents or Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents living in New Zealand.

Work Based Learning

Learners will be required to complete 6 days of face-to-face training (length may vary depending on additional strand selection), and up to 352 relevant work experience hours recorded in a logbook and validated by the employer or supervisor. Applicants, employers, and VHNZ will agree on the learning content to be delivered and sign a training agreement specifying:

  • Employer obligations.
  • Trainee obligations.
  • VHNZ obligations.

This will be discussed with each party prior to enrolment.



Attendance Numbers

Minimum: 6

Maximum: 8

Special Note

This course also has the following optional unit standard available delivered via e-learning:

Unit Standard Unit Description NZQA
23620 Prepare to apply, and apply, agrichemicals to control pests in crops or pasture 20 4
Total Credits   20 

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  • In-house company booking
  • Public courses
  • VHNZ Whangārei Training Centre
  • VHNZ Albany Training Centre
  • VHNZ East Tāmaki Training Centre
  • VHNZ Papakura Training Centre
  • VHNZ Hamilton Training Centre
  • VHNZ Tauranga Training Centre
  • VHNZ Rotorua Training Centre
  • VHNZ Whakatāne Training Centre
  • VHNZ New Plymouth Training Centre
  • VHNZ Hastings Training Centre
  • VHNZ Palmerston North Training Centre
  • VHNZ Upper Hutt Training Centre
  • VHNZ Lower Hutt Training Centre
  • VHNZ Nelson Training Centre
  • VHNZ Christchurch Training Centre
  • VHNZ Cromwell Training Centre
    0.00 ex GST

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