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Are you considering having an apprentice? Here is some information to help you on your journey.

Invest in your business’s future

By taking on an apprentice you’re investing in the future success of your business. It allows you to:

  • Develop your team’s skills to meet your standards and needs
  • Grow your business with a qualified workforce
  • Train on the job to minimise disruption and maximise impact
  • Lay the foundations for hardworking, motivated, and loyal employees who understand your business
  • Upskill your best people
Approved HS Rep Level 1

We’ll support you
all the way


  • You’ll have a dedicated Training Advisor whose job is to work in partnership with you to support your apprentice throughout their learning journey.
  • They'll be in regular contact to ensure your apprentice completes their programme workbooks; attends their block courses; and completes the on-job study with their workplace verifier.
  • We'll let you know how your apprentice is tracking throughout the programme and provide the best guidance and support to enable your apprentice to achieve their trade qualification.
  • Your verifier(s) will be supported with tools like our Verifiers Guide and our online teams meet ups every two months


from others

“Our dedicated training advisors at VHNZ have made our training journey much more manageable. With a wide range of courses to navigate, it’s a relief to have all our training needs met under one roof. The feedback from our apprentices has been overwhelmingly positive. They appreciate the supportive environment provided by VHNZ, including regular tracking meetings and continuous offers of assistance throughout their apprenticeship.”  

Deb Harkin, Harkin Roofing

for Success

We are a one-stop shop: Our extensive range of over 150 NZQA unit standards, non-unit standards, and international standards courses means that we can provide for your entire teams training needs, not just apprentices.

We know your business: Our Trainers have extensive industry experience and have been chosen for our team because of their standout performance within their fields.

We are where you are: Our Trainers are based strategically throughout New Zealand, ensuring coverage where you are.

We are with you on the journey: We make a real difference to the apprentices we are working with and assist businesses on the apprenticeships pathway by having a dedicated contact help you through the process. Our Training Advisors ensure your apprentices have all the support they need to complete their qualification.

Support for verifiers

The job of a verifier is very important in the apprentice’s journey. VHNZ understands this and provides a number of tools and services to help verifiers with their role. Verifiers can find everything they need to get started in our Verifiers Guide.

How much time off does an apprentice need?

This depends on the apprenticeship. Block courses range from 3-5 days and can occur between 3-6 times over the duration of the apprenticeship.

How long does an apprenticeship take?

This can vary depending on the trade but most are approximately three years.

How can I contact my apprentices training advisor?

Contact details for all our Training Advisors can be found on our Trades and Apprentices page. If you’re not sure who your Training Advisor is email us at with your company name and your apprentices name and we’ll get them to get in touch with you.

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