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IMG 2191
11.07.24    |  

Empowering Wāhine in Trades

Wāhine in Trades Day, hosted by Vertical Horizonz, was an outstanding success, bringing together schools, businesses, and passionate individuals to empower young women to explore careers in trades. The event featured a dynamic format where participants moved through various stations, each highlighting different trades and industries and allowing the ladies to engage directly with professionals, demystifying any questions or stigmas surrounding these fields.

The primary objective of the event was to create an empowering space for wāhine, highlighting the benefits of pursuing careers in trades. By hosting this interactive event, Vertical Horizonz aimed to inspire the next generation of women to consider building a future within these industries.

Throughout the day, the ladies in attendance had the opportunity to experience the diverse elements of various trades, offering a glimpse into the practical and rewarding aspects of these professions. The interactive nature of the event ensured that the wāhine could gain insights, ask questions, and engage in meaningful conversations with industry professionals from a variety of trades.

The success of Wāhine in Trades Day was amplified by the enthusiastic participation of partnering businesses. One of the standout features of the event was the quality of interactions and networking opportunities it provided.

Karena and Amanda from Fulton Hogan expressed their gratitude for the event, stating: "Thanks, Vertical Horizonz, for the invitation to showcase our business at the Wāhine in Trades Event. Great format, interactive, quality conversations, and good networking."

Barrett Homes also shared their positive experience, highlighting the collaborative spirit of the event: "It was a privilege to attend the Wāhine/Rangatahi in Trades Expo yesterday at Vertical Horizonz. The mahi that Courtney and the team dedicated to making this day a success was remarkable. Collaborating with other wāhine in the industry to inspire the next generation was incredibly rewarding. Mahi tika ana, e hoa."

Creating such opportunities for young women is crucial in challenging stereotypes and opening up new career paths. As these ladies move forward with newfound knowledge and confidence, they contribute to a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

By fostering a supportive and informative environment, Vertical Horizonz aims to inform and support women considering entering the trades industries. The positive feedback from both participants and businesses underscores the event's success in achieving its goals.

We would like to thank Priority One for sponsoring this event, and helping to pave the road for aspiring Wāhine in Trades.
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