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Rigging for website
15.11.22    |  

Rigging Qualifications with VHNZ

After extensive work in development, VHNZ will begin to deliver the NZ certificate in Rigging Level 3 from January 2023.

The anticipated qualification has been carefully considered, consulted upon and developed by a group of enthusiastic stakeholders including trainers, subject matter experts, employers, and SARNZ.

This certificate is the first step in the NZ rigging qualifications pathway, where graduates may further proceed into the NZ Certificate Level 4 which VH intend to develop in 2023.

The qualification is geared to those entering rigging and wishing to work as a specialist rigger in various industries. It is focused on the elementary basics that many agree has been lost in our trades. Knowledge, use, care and maintenance of trade tools, communication, teamwork, risk management, and of course lifting and placing loads form the foundations of the programme.

The recent developer’s day, saw trainers and developers come together to share ideas and build lesson plans that are learner centric and built on the VH learning competencies. The intention is to integrate the US and ensure each day is hands on and full of variety with minimal ‘talk and chalk’.

The programme runs over 12 months with 2 block course, one 5 day and a 2 day. Training advisors will be available to trainees and employers for support over the duration. Their role is to check in and provide support and motivation along the way. VHNZ wish to thank Bruce Forsyth and his team at ISS for their involvement and support in this project.

For any enquiries please email or call 0800 73 33 848 to speak with one of our team. 

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