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AI Seminar 2 1
21.08.24    |  

Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on the Future of Education

In today’s rapidly evolving world, artificial intelligence (A.I) is no longer a futuristic concept—it’s here, and it’s reshaping how we approach education, particularly in the Learning and Development (L&D) space. As we stand on the cusp of a new era, understanding how A.I is already integrated into our daily lives and how it will continue to shape education is crucial; from grammar and spell checks to predictive text on our smartphones, A.I in its most basic form has been quietly assisting us for years. However, its role is now expanding, evolving from simple tools to more sophisticated applications that have the potential to revolutionise how we learn and teach. 

A team from Vertical Horizonz recently attended a seminar focused on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (A.I) in the classroom. The event showcased innovative approaches to leveraging A.I to enhance learning experiences, which we are eager to incorporate into our educational programmes. This exposure to the latest advancements in A.I has sparked new ideas and strategies that will allow us to further elevate our training offerings and learner experience at VH. 

We currently utilise A.I to create voice overs, video content, and simplify complex wording, ensuring that our training materials are accessible and understandable to all learners - including those for whom English is a second language. A.I is also helping us identify sentence structures in our training material that may be difficult for learners to understand, allowing us to spend more time refining content rather than creating it from scratch. Looking to the future, we plan to leverage A.I to create learning scenarios tailored to each student's unique needs, advance our eLearning offerings, and incorporate A.I-driven chat functions that provide real-time, 24/7 support. By adjusting content and adapting to individual learning needs, we aim to offer personalised and dynamic educational experiences for every learner. 

It’s important to remember that while A.I can be a powerful creative tool, it is not infallible. A.I works by summarising and interpreting vast amounts of data, and while it aims to provide coherent and appropriate content, it doesn’t inherently understand truth from fiction. To harness the potential of A.I while avoiding its pitfalls, our large Learning & Development team oversee and monitor its use, ensuring that our interactions with A.I are purposeful and precise. Generated content is also run by our industry subject matter experts for additional oversight, ensuring that information is accurate and applicable to the topic/industry it is being used in. 

As A.I technology continues to advance, its role in education will undoubtedly expand. At Vertical Horizonz, we are committed to staying at the forefront of this transformation, ensuring that we use this technology responsibly and effectively. By understanding A.I’s capabilities and limitations and by following a careful, strategic approach, we can harness its power to enhance learning outcomes and drive innovation in the L&D space. 


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