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vh representing nz on the worldwide stage  v2
26.02.20    |  

VH representing NZ on the worldwide stage!

Some excitement from the VHNZ news deck!

Vertical Horizonz have been accepted to compete in the 2020 Petzl Rope Trip Finals being held in Singapore in April! This is a large worldwide competition, with the finals being held every 2 years (this years’ event being the 5th time it has been held). There has never been a team from New Zealand enter, so our VHNZ team will be representing our little corner of the world on the International Rope Access Stage!

The competition will be held over 4 days with a symposium on the 5th day. There will be a range of individual events and team challenges, all based around the work that a rope access technician may encounter in the industry. These will be varied, technically difficult and physically demanding, so our team is about to get stuck into some event specific training!

Each team consists of 3 participants, with the VHNZ team being made up of 3 of our fantastic height trainers Michael Felton, James Pinchin & Robin De Geus.

The below youtube clips provide a great overview of what lies ahead of our guys in Singapore:

WatchLatino America Rope Trip Series 2016
WatchPETZL Rope Trip 2020

Further details to follow as we build up to the big event!

Image: TEAM VHNZ! (From left to right), James P, Michael F and Robin D

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